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Conflict is an inevitable and important part of human communication. It can provide opportunities for growth, stronger relationships, clearer goals, and more productive work environments.​
Conflict Resolution & Mediation
Conflict Resolution & Mediation
Unresolved, conflict can threaten team cohesion, employee well-being, innovation, and organizational effectiveness. I consult with organizations to analyze, diagnose, and resolve conflicts; I offer training in conflict resolution; and I coach leaders on productive conflict handling.
When conflicts become especially intense and parties cannot find a path forward, I can help them move to resolution through informal mediation. I guide disputants toward handling emotions productively, without reactive posturing or bargaining, opening up space for new insights, mutual understanding, and an agreeable path forward.
Onsite Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Trainings
Diagnosing & Resolving | Group Training | Individual Coaching
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